Mental Health Awareness Week

This week we raise awareness of mental health, from sharing ways to help, to showing support to friends and family. We value meeting people from all walks of life, and all around the world, at Prime. Especially as a place where solo traveling is enjoyed by many, it’s important that we take the time to talk about this important topic. We, as a hostel, want to share some of our tips for those struggling with mental health, especially those traveling alone.

Mental Health Awareness Week

  1. Starting The Conversation

    Often the hardest part is simply starting the conversation, and particularly when traveling alone it can be hard to open up to others. Finding commonality within others is something hostelers really do best. So be open, share, talk with others, we have more in common than you might think!

  2. Get Out In Nature

    Even when traveling in a city, you would be surprised by the difference made by getting out doors, and into a green space (where possible) like along Regents Canal, can make to our mental health. The affects nature has on our minds are actually scientifically proven! Discover them here.

  3. Look Out For Others

    A hostel, as we know, is more than a base for those traveling around, it’s a community. We share, we go out together, and most importantly we should check in on each other. Travelling is hard, it can be lonely, we can miss home, so we must make sure to check in and look out for our friends and other hostel goers.

  4. Spread Awareness

    Most importantly we should spread awareness, from re-sharing a social post, to starting an open conversation with others, we can help spread the awareness and importance of talking about our mental health. Especially during a time where there is so much disorder going on in the world today, perhaps never has it been more important that we spread this awareness around.

If you’re looking for support or help, please click here.


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